Dried Dates Recipes on special occasions

Ways to Provide Dried Dates Recipes on Special Occasions in Morocco 

in the morocan culture dried dates is an important fruit to be served to guests, especially in occasions & holidays that's why we find many ways that moroccan people use to serve this great teasure in all the arabic area.

So let's see some of this ways in pictures :

Dried Dates Recipes

1- Dates stuffed with biscuits and a little oil

Dates stuffed with biscuits

2- Dates putty with biscuits and 5 tablespoons of milk

dried dates putty with biscuits

3- Dates stuffed with pistachio

Dates stuffed with pistachio

4- Dates stuffed with cheese and fresh cream and decorated with almonds

Dates stuffed with cheese

 Check Out also other recipes like  Moroccan Harira Soup.

5-Dates stuffed with caramel and decorated with fruit dry

we hope that you like this small collection of ways to provide dates in special moments with  moroccan style.